ZeroFluff women living their Brave Life
Brave Thing isn’t nun school. The world doesn't need more strong, low-maintenance women who “don’t need much.” It needs women who love and trust themselves, who believe their life is a precious thing, and who want to burn bright and brave for a good time (like, actually having fun 😂), and a long time.
Here's what life looks like on the other side of ✸ Brave Things ✸
the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright the bravest burn so bright

Every single thing I have discovered about myself, with Iona’s guidance, has been both an astonishing surprise, and absolutely no surprise at all. It was always there, and it feels like home. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t very well hidden—hidden well enough to need a guide that could not only help me find it, but support me as I reintegrated it. I left my job for my true calling as a writer. I feel safer as I accept that my interpersonal relationships will change as I do, and found ways to cradle myself as I process that, but the people who are truly for me, are still for me (to quote Iona), and in an even more powerful and loving way.

STEPH, design agency partner
“Wow. Words for Iona. She defies them, really. Fierce and soft. Powerful and gentle. Brilliantly insightful (sometimes unnervingly so). Iona saw right through me the first time I met her in a way that I had so deeply wanted to be seen. I healed more in 9 months with Iona than I did in 20 years of therapy. Iona is fierce, wise, insightful, and forever in your corner. It’s hard work, but it is literally life-changing. You’ll know and love yourself in a whole new way after working with Iona. It’s worth it and YOU are worth it.
“If you are ready to turn up and do the work, week by week to make yourself feel better, be better, be happier, it will happen. I wish that everyone could experience the level of healing that I have.”
Do the ✸ Brave Thing ✸
5 Brave Things ✸ 5 days ✸ Who would you become?
The Brave One
A ZeroFluff™ breathwork retreat for the woman ready to rip the caution tape off her life and do the Brave Thing: LIVE and in-person!
Group coaching and psychdelic breathwork for the woman remembering who the fuck she is who wants to build the backbone and self-image to follow through on her brave life

Ellen, Data Analyst
“After 6 months with Iona, I have clarity about who I want to be in the future and a sense of peace and real confidence that I know how to achieve it. I now understand that I am more than my emotions, that I truly am the most important person in my life, and that I have the courage and ability to confront my past traumas. I feel more vibrant, more hopeful, more playful, and more curious about what life has to offer me.
“Iona became the first person I wanted to share a victory with because I knew I would feel the genuine proudness via just a Voxer message. I have never had someone celebrate me so hard so consistently.”
Cass, Consultant
this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink this is not the time to shrink

mariah, occupational therapist
“In the 6 months I worked with Iona I learned how to be there for myself in ways I never dreamed possible. I was able to come off my medication for anxiety and depression. I not only know my true voice now but I respect it, and allow it to guide me. I feel whole, light, and I laugh more easily. I learned I am a woman worth knowing- and Iona was here for me every step of the way. I am so grateful our paths crossed again, and that I believed enough in my worth to invest in myself.”

laura, nursing student
“Iona was wonderful at both guiding me towards ways I could help myself, while also reminding me that true growth is slow, and imperfect, and immensely important. She reminded me of the progress I had made while challenging me to be honest and compassionate with myself. I quit a job that was no longer contributing to my joy and Iona helped me to see my own potential and to be brave to reach for what I really want. Iona has walked through the fire and now offers us a life line from the other side.”
Don’t make yourself beg