That conversation youโ€™ve been avoiding? Youโ€™re having it. NOW.

We Need To Talkis a private podcast that walks conflict-avoidant women through having a hard conversation with someone who needs to hear it.

What youโ€™ll learn in We Need To Talk

Instant access to 9 action-packed, zero-fluff episodes that walk you, step by step, through having the conversation youโ€™ve been avoiding.

  • Why Bother Being Brave

    In this episode, youโ€™ll identify the person you need to have a brave conversation with (itโ€™s probably obvious!). Youโ€™ll also learn the most important reason why you NEED to become a woman whoโ€™s comfortable saying what youโ€™re feeling, and what you want and need from other people.

  • Low Maintenance Women

    In this episode, youโ€™ll learn the 3 different types o low-maintenance woman is (you ARE one of them!) and how conflict avoidance shows up in your life based on your personality and blindspots.

  • Death & Life Conversations

    In this episode, youโ€™ll learn the main reason you avoid conflict and a powerful reframe to help you get over the fear of saying how you feel. Spoiler: youโ€™re focusing on the WRONG thing!

  • You Don't Control Shit

    In this episode, youโ€™ll learn the sneaky ways youโ€™re trying to control people and outcomes, and how to loosen your grip on โ€œgetting what you want.โ€

  • Get Your Truth Straight

    In this episode, youโ€™ll figure out exactly what you need to say using Ionaโ€™s simple 4-step Truth Framework. NO BEATING AROUND THE BUSH HERE!

  • Stack The Deck

    In this episode, youโ€™ll learn how to pick the best time, date, and location for your conversation. Spoiler: focusing on these details will have huge influence over how well the conversation goes.

  • Don't Get Burned

    In this episode, youโ€™ll learn how to navigate your nervous system and emotional responses during a hard conversation and learn some simple tools for increasing your capacity for truth. You'll also learn what to do if shit starts going sideways!

  • Speak Then Shut Up

    In this episode, youโ€™ll HAVE the conversation youโ€™ve been avoiding. Itโ€™s time to do the Brave Thing! Youโ€™ll also have the chance to be celebrated by Iona and the Brave Thing community!

  • Happily Ever After (Sort Of)

    In this episode, youโ€™ll learn what upgraded problems are and tools to move forward now that youโ€™ve said the Brave Thing!

  • Leave this one empty ๐Ÿ˜Š

We Need To Talk is the answer to your fuck-filled, non-religious prayers

Iโ€™m your host, Iona!

My clients called me the Gentle Beast and I help women do โœธ Brave Things โœธ and live Brave Lives.

Look. Iโ€™m no natural when it comes to having hard conversations.

But when I turned 29, I noticed a pattern: all my friendships and relationships blew up, or ghosted, after 4 years.

Why? Because I was conflict-avoidant as f*ck, and had no idea how to tell people how I felt, what I needed, or when I was struggling, angry, or hurt by something.

The result: resentment.

(Maybe you can relate ๐Ÿ’€)

Also, I was freaking out! Because my relationship with my now-husband was approaching the dreaded 4 year mark (SPOILER: I LEARNED HOW TO SAY HARD THINGS!)

I created We Need To Talk to walk you through EXACTLY how to say what you really mean to the people in your life who really need to hear it!

I hope you do the Brave Thing!


Everything you want lives on the other side of saying the Brave Thing.

Cast a vote for the woman youโ€™re meant to be, and the life you want to live.

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