5-Day Breathwork Intensive • Online Experience • Jan 27th-31st, 12-1pm EST
someone in your life needs a braver version of you to exist
Maybe someone you know needs you braver. Maybe it’s ALWAYS BEEN YOU.
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But we’ve got a problem
You're strong, but when stuff gets hard you turn on yourself, fast. You're not sure you've every really LOVED yourself!?
You’d die inside if your niece or daughter learned to always go a bit hungry, wear black leggings in peak summer, and stay in her soul-sucking job from you.
You're pretty sure you've found The One. So why’s your mouth full of marshmallows, tiptoeing around them, unable to have honest conversations?
You're tapping 10% of your potential and everything feels beige. You can't shake the feeling you're running out of time, but your feet get stuck in muck when you try to make moves.
There's someone or something in your past that haunts you. When you think about doing something brave, THEY show up, and you shrink.
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A has entered the chat
and will burn bright in The Brave One™
Stone Heart
Born Winner. Solid Game Face. Gets Things Done… but you keep your heart hidden. After a lot of grinding to the bone with “no time for fun” you want to remember what joy feels like. Time to build those vulnerability muscles.
Gentle Heart
Loves to Love. Soft landing. Gives good hugs… but you don't trust yourself enough. After a lot of “wondering what they think” and putting yourself last, you want to trust yourself, first. Time to build that backbone.
Wobble Heart
Brings good energy. Goes for it. Looks the part… but do you deserve all this? You don’t want to feel like an imposter anymore. You’re ready to own and enjoy the life you’ve created. Time to follow through!
Get instant access to The Brave One Course and live session archive. Join the next live 5-day online intensive in January 2025
5-Day Breathwork Intensive • Online Experience • Jan 27th-31st, 12-1pm EST
Quit your beige life and upgrade to a braver identity using the Brave One Method.
The woman you’re meant to be lives on the other side of a Brave Thing.
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"Becoming braver can be learned through taking some pretty practical actions—5 of them to be specific—like breathwork. It is magical, but it is not magic. For someone like me, that is gold." - Laura
Your Life on Brave
The Brave One Method™ pulls the bravest version of you forward – whether you’re a concrete thinker, woo-curious, or big on gut feelings.
Step 1. Put Your Head In The Fridge
When you’re loving yourself with fear, your body thinks you’re dying, and your mind floods with stories that you’re in danger, flailing, and you don’t belong. Fear traps you in a beige identity and blocks you from living a braver life. In TBO you’ll learn potent tools, including breathwork, to put fear in its place.
Step 2. Rip The Caution Tape Off Your Life
You’re tiptoeing around people, the past, dreams, needs, and preferences, scared of what might happen, making the wrong decision, losing someone, or not being able to “handle it.” But doing nothing is a decision, too. And it’s a beige one, not a brave one.
Step 3. Let Your Heart Be Known
True vulnerability makes a lot of women want to hurl because you’re scared of getting your heart broken. But if you keep loving yourself with fear and tiptoeing around your life, your heart will break anyway. If you want to upgrade to a braver identity and live a braver life, you need to learn to risk opening up your heart to yourself, and other people.
Step 4. Don’t Leave Yourself On The Floor
Ripping the caution tape off and opening your heart is one thing. Having the guts to follow through is a different story. Ghosting, leaving, backtracking, and judging yourself are how you try to protect yourself from getting hurt; you need to learn how to love yourself better. In TBO, you’ll learn how to build a backbone so you can stay the course.
Step 5. Speak Words That Breathe Life
You can close doors on your Brave Life by saying: “I can’t,” “I’m not,” “I’ve failed.” Or you can learn to speak to yourself and back your dreams like you’re talking to, and about, someone you like, care about, believe in, and want the best for.
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The Brave One™ is the answer to your fuck-filled, non-religious prayers
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Brave Worked for Them
Customer Success
Law Student
5-Day Breathwork Intensive • Online Experience • Jan 27th-31st, 12-1pm EST
Choose your path to Brave
5 days 🤝🏻 Your Brave Life
2 Monthly Payments
A spot at the next 5-day Online Intensive: January 2025
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Your body is a Scrapbook
It holds the memories of your life in its pages. Inner children bookmark moments in time and some of them are hurting badly.
In The Brave One™, you’ll learn how to use the The Brave One Method™ to speak your body’s language, connect with younger versions of you through breathwork and visualization and mother them like hell.
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They call me the Gentle Beast
Hi, I’m Iona. I am the CEO of Brave Thing. I help women do ✸ Brave Things ✸ and live Brave Lives.
Look. I’m no natural when it comes to this “strength and vulnerability colliding” thing.
But guess what I discovered slaying the starve-binge-fueled depression dragon who scorched hope out the first 29 years of my life?
Bravery is strong, but with your heart turned on. And bravery fuck your whole life up in the best way possible, if you let it.
And loving, trust, forgiving, and backing yourself is not complicated (my inner minimalist was pleased about that 😏) But it won’t just ‘happen for you.’ You’ve got to choose it.
My best-selling book, multi-6 figure business, and love affair with Me exist because I do a few simple ✸ Brave Things ✸ very fucking well, all the God Damn Time.
Who is the woman you’re meant to be?
The Beige One
It’s my husband / mum / the algorithm’s fault
I’m scared I’ll be a shit mum
I’ll be ready once I…
They won’t like me
I’m too old / young / dumb / shy / broken
I’m hyper-independent. Can’t trust people.
Why is she looking at me like that?
Oh My God, why did I just do that?!
I don’t belong here
I failed last time, I quit
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The Brave One
How my life feels is on me.
I can heal, and raise a wee Brave One!
I’ll never be ready. Here goes!
I’m a woman worth knowing
Maybe!? I can still be brave
Trust is a muscle I can build
Controlling her emotions is not my job
Discomfort is not a threat
I belong when I feel safe in my body
I’m not leaving myself this time
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This was cute. But give it to me straight.
Sure! When you join TBO you get instant access to all course materials PLUS access to the next TBO LIVE 5-day online intensive
TBO LIVE Dates: Jan 27th-31st
Time: 12-1pm EST
Cost: The Brave One is $697 or you can choose a payment plan.
Why: Every single day of your life you make millions of choices. Most of them are fear-driven, and habit-based. The outcome? Fear and habit write your life’s story, and you end up feeling beige. Imagine becoming the kind of woman who makes a million brave choices instead? How *different* your life would feel? In the The Brave One, you’ll learn how.
“When my life isn’t so busy” doesn’t exist. There’s NO perfect time to upgrade to a braver identity. Ready is a lie. But I can promise you this: The Brave One is a zero-fluff intensive.
The course modules are snackable and include an audio-only, podcast version so you can take TBO on a walk, listen in the car, and learn in a way that fits around your life. For the live sessions, I only facilitate the most potent and proven breathwork experiences.
The Brave One is not full of “interesting ideas.” With all the love in the world, it’s designed to drag you kicking and screaming into braver life. A LOT can change in 5 days, but you’ve got to be The Brave One.
When I was an All-American athlete, I learned how to use breathwork to control my emotional state and stay calm during high-stress fitness testing. **I improved my 2km run by 90 seconds and broke the program record.**
In my late 20s when I was trapped in a sad and beige life and really didn’t like myself, I learned how to use breathwork and visualization to connect with younger versions of myself (inner children) who *really* needed to believe they weren’t hard to love. **It cured my “chronic” depression.**
After I locked in a baseline of brave in my love, I learned how to visualize the woman I wanted to become in the future and borrow her bravery to start taking the first steps to **quitting my corporate job and building Brave Thing.**
When **I wrote my book Ghost - Why Perfect Women Shrink**, I used breathwork to connect with memories and make my writing more visceral and potent. It’s a bestseller.
As a keynote speaker, **I use breathwork to stay cool, calm, and collected on stage** (even when I’m freaking out!). I get consistent feedback that I’m the bravest woman in the room.
At Brave Thing, we’ve taught 1,000s of women how to do the same thing in their life.
They’ve left relationships, found new ones, got pregnant, quit jobs, gone back to school, and healed ancient wounds that therapy just DID NOT HELP with.
Sure… if sitting in a field of wheat, thumbs to third-eye-center, and bathing naked in the light of a full moon was part of The Brave One curriculum. But it’s not.
Life starts with a breath and ends with a breath. It’s the ONLY thing you do every single second of your life that you have control over. That’s not woo. That’s the truth!
Breathwork is your body’s language and is the intentional use of breathing patterns, rhythms and holds. It regulates your nervous system when you’re feeling anxious, scared, bored, overwhelmed, unsure, or numb.
To break the habit of being you, put fear in the fridge, upgrade to a braver identity, do Brave Things, and live a Braver Life.
No prior experience is necessary. The Brave One is a gentle slope into breathwork. The tools, breathwork techniques and visualizations are simple, but potent. Intensity can be backed in and out of.
The Brave One is not a private coaching experience, but you’ll have the chance to ask questions during live sessions, in The Brave One community chat, and you can submit questions for the Ask Iona Anything Q+A.
Who you are and the stories you tell yourself touches EVERY SINGLE CORNER of your life. Becoming a braver version of yourself is the most generous gift you can give to the people and projects in your life.
Your husband, kids, and business need a braver version of you to show up, and you’ll get to become her in The Brave One.
At Brave Thing, you don’t heal to heal. You heal to LIVE.
The point of The Brave One, and any Brave Thing program, is to clear emotional muck and start living your version of a Brave Life.
Due to the digital nature of The Brave One program, we don't offer refunds. We believe in the value and transformative potential of what we offer. However, I'm here to guide you every step of the way, to make sure you get the most out of your investment.
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5-Day Breathwork Intensive • Online Experience • Jan 27th-31st, 12-1pm EST
Upgrade to a braver identity and live a braver life in 5 days
Get instant access to The Brave One Course and live session archive. Join the next live 5-day online intensive in January 2025

Still scrolling, huh?
I guess you’re one of those Lightly-Salted-In-Cynical Tough Nuts To Crack that I happen to BE, and LOVE.
Alright. I can fuck with that!
If the ONLY THING you do for the rest of you life is make 5 year old you happy and 95 year old you proud, you cannot fail to upgrade to a braver identity, and live YOUR VERSION of a brave life.
Everything in TBO will help you do THAT.
Get instant access to The Brave One Course and live session archive. Join the next live 5-day online intensive in January 2025