Let me level with you. The Zero2Brave Challenge is free. I don’t need your credit card. So read carefully, and know this: The only thing stopping you from saying “I’m in” for Zero2Brave is a story in your head that fear is writing. “I don’t have time.” “This is too hard.” “This is too easy.” “Fuck Iona.” “This would never work for a woman like me.” These thoughts are not THE TRUTH. This is fear doing her best to keep you exactly where you are. If you LOVE where you are, fine. But if you don’t, find a way to say “Shut the fuck up” for just long enough so you can say “YES” to your Brave Life, and the Woman you’re meant to be.
LIVE ✸ 5 days ✸ March 11-15 ✸
LIVE ✸ 5 days ✸ March 11-15 ✸
You're strong and smart, so why are you stuck in the muck of a beige life with a stone in your chest instead of a beating heart? Hit the brakes and reverse park. It's time to remember who the fuck you are.
5 Brave Things ✸ 5 days ✸ Who would you become?
5 Brave Things ✸ 5 Days ✸ Who would you become? ✸
5 Brave Things ✸ 5 Days ✸ Who would you become? ✸
Let me guess
Feeling hard to love, meditation sucks, and “there must be a big fucking secret to being brave that I’m missing,” right? RIGHT?!?
No, dude. Loving yourself and your life with shocking depth is pretty simple when you know how to do ✸Brave Things✸
Sound Familiar?
♫ Your body is a wonderlaaaaand ♫ Sure, John. More like a hellscape.
You're a slave to Google Calendar, but whoever told you Zoom + No Lunch Break = Thriving were dirty liars. (And paid-off by Corporate America)
“You’re the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with/hate stalk on IG.” Ok, well I’m fucked!
Scouring your mind for something you did this week that you can’t wait to tell your future grandchildren about? I’ll wait.
That warm, thick, loving relationship you put a ring on the day you were born? Feeling pretty threadbare…
Women Like You
Picture this
Your dried-up parched heart is suddenly slick with love. Wild how easy that was?!
You’re doing breathwork everyday. Easy. No drama. Fuck, that habit stuck!
You’re no longer thriving on neglect like a pet cactus. You’re… glowing?!
You’ve kicked your hate-stalking habit because you’re too busy chatting with legends modeling what a Brave Life looks like
Your Brave Life feels so close because you’re… already living in it.
LIVE ✸ 5 days ✸ March 11-15 ✸
LIVE ✸ 5 days ✸ March 11-15 ✸
You don’t need to do Every Thing
You need to do
✸ Brave Things ✸
Why Zero2Brave is the lifeline you've been muttering fuck-filled non-religious prayers under your breath for:
You’re doing ✸ 5 Brave Things ✸ everyday that kindly shove you into a Braver Life. Ready or not!
Zero2Brave was designed for Zerofluff women BY a zerofluff woman who turned her own weapons into wands… then taught 1,000s to do the same
You don’t have to buy anything. No fancy shit. Cost of entry is an open mind + a willing heart. That’s it.
No thumbs to third-eye center. No “you fucking suck, just do it” bullshit either, though! Zero2Brave is nervous-system friendly.
You can start immediately. Like, now.
You in?
Brave worked for them
LIVE ✸ 5 days ✸ March 11-15 ✸
LIVE ✸ 5 days ✸ March 11-15 ✸
Still scrolling, huh?
I guess you’re one of those Lightly-Salted-In-Cynical Tough Nuts To Crack that I happen to BE, and LOVE.
Alright. I can fuck with that!
5 Brave Things ✸ 5 Days ✸ Who would you become? ✸
5 Brave Things ✸ 5 Days ✸ Who would you become? ✸
How Zero2Brave Works
You sign up
Your email is the price of entry. I need to be able to send you the ✸ 5 Brave Things ✸and Rules.
I send you an email
You make sure it’s landed in your inbox. If not, check spam and drag me to your inbox. I don’t want to hang out with Dick Pics.
You read the email
You’ll get the ✸ 5 Brave Things ✸ and a private podcast where I gently kick your ass and give you tips to make sure you don’t fucking quit on your Brave Life.
You do ✸ 5 Brave Things ✸
You do a ✸ Brave Thing ✸ everyday, for 5 days during the live challenge, March 11-15. That’s it.
You get support
You read the Daily Emails. You listen to the private podcasts. You join the Zero2Brave group chat. You follow through
You Remember Who You are
You don’t stumble into the Woman You’re Meant to Be. You choose to meet her. 5 times you choose her.
5 Brave Things ✸ 5 Days ✸ Who would you become? ✸
5 Brave Things ✸ 5 Days ✸ Who would you become? ✸
They call me the Gentle Beast
Hi, I’m Iona. I am the CEO of Brave Thing. I help women do ✸ Brave Things ✸ and live Brave Lives.
Look. I’m no natural when it comes to this “love yourself and live a Brave Life” shit.
But guess what I discovered slaying the starve-binge-fueled depression dragon who scorched hope out the first 29 years of my life?
Doing Brave Things will fuck your whole life up in the best way possible, if you let it.
And doing ✸ Brave Things ✸ is not complicated. My inner minimalist was pleased about that 😏 But it won’t just “happen for you.” You’ve got to choose it.
My best-selling book, multi-6 figure business, and love affair with Me exist because I do a few simple ✸ Brave Things ✸ very fucking well, all the God Damn Time.
Want to know my secret?
With Zero2Brave You Will
Become a different woman
How? Do the ✸ 5 Brave Things ✸ You can’t fail to change. Intent is a spell.
Be a fuck load closer to living your Brave Life
Irresistable motion is the mother of all ✸ Brave Things ✸
Feel your heart beat for something REAL
Being proud of The Woman You Are is the sickest drug.
It’s that simple?
🙋♀️ Sign Up for Zero2Brave
One click, that’s it. As soon as you join, check your inbox. Your first very kind kick in ass from Iona is waiting for you
🙋♀️ Do the ✸ Brave Things ✸
Learn what the ✸ 5 Brave Things ✸ are. Learn the rules. Follow them. Watch the magic happen!
🙋♀️ Join the Zero2Brave community
Don’t Lone wolf. Meet women like you. Get support from Iona. No one bites.
You’re not going to recognize yourself in 5 Days!
You Might be thinking
We’re running live, March 11-15!
No you won’t. That day will never come. Start now.
It’s simple. That kind of black and white thinking is WHY you need Zero2Brave. Brave is about increasing capacity for love, hope, and joy. Last time I checked, no one got worse practicing.
We’re talking minutes, not hours.
You can. But then it’s not Zero2Brave. It’s just something random that you’ve chosen based on your current perception of yourself. That’s fine. But it’s not Zero2Brave. Do the ✸ Brave Thing ✸
And? Do you think they want a Beige Mum or a Brave Mum?
Great. You’ll learn something anyway. Never skip the basics. I revisit ✸ Brave Things ✸ all the time and take it a level deeper.
Good for you!
Don’t make yourself beg